Nailed It!

You know those posts on Pinterest or Facebook that shows the coolest thing, and then next to it is the picture of how it really turned out?  Usually it’s accompanied by the phrase ‘Nailed It!’.  I’ve now experienced one of those moments.  Here is the beautiful work someone did on the outside of the school.  Note the smooth, curved line, the beautiful color that only resides on the grout and not on the brick. good tuckpointing

Aaaannnnddd….here’s my first attempt.  Ug.  not so much

I would like to mention that there is a reason I was practicing on the inside, where there will eventually be a door or be covered in insulation.  No one but you and I  ever need to know about this little incident.

BUT:  if you happen to know a tuckpointer in the area who might give me some insight on where I have gone so disastrously wrong PLEASE have him drop by!  I need help!

Meanwhile (while not making a huge mess) we stopped to enjoy a parade in town and saw our River Road Ramble represented.  Everyone come out to see us in September.  RRR float








Last thing for today – there are monsters in the woods!  Or at least giant wooden dogs!  What else is out there – is Bigfoot next???

Wooden dog

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