A good foundation

Work continued this weekend in the basement.  The hundred year old support beams were sagging mightily.  After a lot of prepping, sore muscles and dust, 1/2 of the beams are in!






I also made some progress on the precarious chimney.  I believe I have it to the state where a jackhammer might take care of the rest.

We had some interesting finds as well.  I think this may be a damper handle for an old stove (anyone want to offer other ideas?)  I’m currently brainstorming ideas to reinvent it  into some other clever usage – taking suggestions on that as well.  

Found a few furry finds as well…this guy was hiding behind some old boards.  He took a few turns around the basement before finding his way upstairs and out the door.

And you might think this is simply a small hole under the front door (as we did).  Turns out this is the superhighway for Chippy the Chipmunk.  I didn’t get a picture, but he has very little fear and visited us several times in the course of our days.  Gonna have to put ‘door repair’ on the list.  Or alternatively, ‘Chipmunk Training Class’.

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