Moving on Up

As promised – a fireworks picture (thanks Grace!)

As for work in the school, we have officially moved to the next level – literally.  Although we are far from done with the basement, now we can start to focus on the middle…shoring up the skeleton so that the roof can be next.  We put in these temporary posts to help support the roof while we worked, and have already ‘raised the roof’ an inch! 

We also laid down a subfloor of plywood.  Not only is it a great level place to eventually reset the original flooring, but it serves as an excellent dust catcher to keep attic and roof dust from falling through to the basement.

Cryptic markings on the subfloor are our roadmap to walls, posts and hallways.  But now, what do they mean?   I thought this ‘You are Here’ right in the geographical middle of the schoolhouse might be helpful.









In the process of putting the floor together, we really had to put the floor together.  At some point in the past, someone thought it would be a good idea to cut through this support beam, saw a chunk out of it so a floor vent would fit through, and push it over.  We have made it all right again.  









Outside, we have added some ambiance, by way of some outdoor lighting so we can find our way inside in the ‘wee’ hours.






And last but not least, just to prove that we don’t always just work, Grace came up and gave grandpa a run for his money in the fishing arena.  Way to go!!

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