Beans, beans….you know the rest


1011141240a“Our” beans were harvested this week.  Like proud parents, we sat on the schoolhouse steps and watched the progress as they were scooped up and hauled off.  A very good feeling to have watched them grow from seed to plant to harvest.

But enough about the beans, back to class…..

The forms are in, the chute is ready, and concrete will be arriving later this week.  I promise we are not hiding any bodies.


Outside, I tackled one of the woodpiles.  It WAS a hodgepodge of chopped wood, old boards, and trimmings.


Now it has some semblance of a firewood pile.  Sometimes, it’s the little gains like this that make a day’s work worth it.


 Next week, concrete, floorboards and crazy friends willing to help  🙂


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