Spring work weekend

Not a lot to report – just another gloriously warm spring weekend at the school.  It was an odds and ends kind of couple days.  Items that were addressed:


Dirt to Move Beagle in a Wheelbarrow

This pile had to be moved from the front to the back to create a landing pad for the trailer.  I put out an offer to all those friends who wanted to skip the gym and do some schoolhouse bootcamp, but no one took us up on it.  In the end, our good neighbors helped us out with their Bobcat.  Scoobi supervised.








The playhouse got a thorough cleaning and is ready to be shored up.  Maybe we can use it to house extra guests?



Or in other words, lots and lots of tuck pointing.  I decided to tackle any hole that a mouse or wasp could sneak into.  It was a lofty goal.  My patience for the task gave out before it was finished.  But as has become one of our favorite sayings up there  “There are lots of squirrels”.  As in, I’m going to work on this, but, oh, look, a squirrel! I’m going to work on something else!  The cracks, I’m sure, will be there next week.


Holey bucket  Poor man's tree waterer








We drilled holes in perfectly good buckets.  But set next to the three apple trees provided by Janelle’s mom, they became poor man’s tree waterers.  I put in a big rock to keep it from blowing away, filled it with water, and done.  Should provide a good watering for the next week.

PLANT 101.

Another mystery plant – well, ok, maybe not a mystery to anyone in the area, but new to me.  Pretty white flowers on oak looking leaved sprouting all amongst our trees.  Anenomies?  Oak creeper?  Something else?

Pretty flower




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