Schoolhouse Rules


What I learned from forgetting to bring my keys to the schoolhouse

1. Don’t forget to bring your keys to the schoolhouse.

2. If you forget your keys, you must make yourself useful until someone brings you keys or it gets dark, whichever comes first.

3. There is a limit to how many sticks one can pick up before it gets dark.


4. Correction to #3. There is a limitless supply of sticks to pick up.  There is a limit to how many you can pick up before you start hearing voices in the forest.

5. Sitting around the campfire drinking a beer is a great way to pass the time.


6. Starting fires requires matches, because you don’t have the skills to rub the sticks together to create one.

7. You can use matches as soon as someone brings you keys to unlock the shed where the matches are.

8. Bring beer.

9. A percentage of your friends will not be interested in bringing you your forgotten keys.  This percentage may be significant.

10.  The best stories come from the dumbest mistakes.  Make it an adventure. And take a walk around the lake with the dogs to pass the time while waiting for those keys.

Lake Farm

But for those of you who follow the week to week progress, it was a routine week of hammer plaster, scoop plaster, throw plaster into dumpster, repeat.  The highlight of the weekend was …. BEARS!!!  Finally saw our bears – a momma and two cubs, about a mile east of the school.


2 thoughts on “Schoolhouse Rules

  1. Janelle Post author

    It certainly was me, glad you waved! The dogs and I needed a stretch before bed and it was a beautiful night for a walk.

  2. Mike Cole

    If you were walking the dogs near Bass Lake on Friday night that was me that waved. As I drove past I thought it looked like the Schoolhouse Lady, but dismissed that thought. . .

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