Boxes and Bugs

So the task of the weekend was to build a ‘wall’ around our makeshift toilet in the school, just to give a sense of privacy.  Taking a realistic look at our rather open air concept, I concede that PERHAPS something simple from some plywood boards and some left over 2×4’s might be a nice improvement while we are figuring out the final bathroom location.

Open air bathroom

But there is a saying around here that anything worth doing is worth doing right (or overdoing, depending on who you ask).  I’ll leave it to be said that one of us is not only handy with tools, but is also very creative.  I call this latest piece of artwork “Heated Box”.

Heated Box

(OK, so really I think it’s genius, because he has put a little heater in there and completely enclosed it and added a timer so it’s warm in the mornings when  you, um, really like it to be warm, and I am proud of his creativity and willingness to put everything into it, and a little jealous that I didn’t think of it).

Beyond The BOX, we seem to have won the war with the racoons (or is it a tactic for us to let down our guard??).  No sign of large animals in the school yet this spring with the exception of our own muddy footed varieties Muddy tracks.  Small ones however, are a different matter.  This was moments after sweeping the asian beetles off the threshhold….










Also concerning bugs…note to self:  when moving rocks, ensure the bottom half isn’t covered with ants before hugging the rock to yourself.

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